Inspired By Peace, LLC offers a wide selection of holistic workshops and healing modalities in our South Puget Sound Light Center location, all of which have been designed to help you transform your world and live your birthright — a life of joy!
We can aid you in getting over those "bumps" that pop up along the path of your life from time to time, so you can find more joy in the world around you.
Our holistic and energy healing systems:
Located just a short drive from Tacoma and Seattle, we offer healing services through the techniques of Reiki, Life Activation, and Full Spirit Activation.
In addition to our healing modalities, we also have classes in Max Meditation™.
Max Meditation™ allows people to learn to connect with their own inner joy. It is a way help you learn to meditate deeply and with ease. Meditation has been shown to decrease stress and tension, reduce blood pressure, diminish emotional and physical pain, and increase one's joy, happiness, and peace of mind. It can even help you boost your energy during the day, while encouraging better sleep at night!
Experience Max Meditation™ and bring your awareness to the here and now! Begin your day feeling lighter and more tranquil and set up a positive outlook for the week ahead.
We hold workshops for certification in Jikiden Reiki Shoden (Level 1) and Jikiden Reiki Okuden (Level 2) in our Gig Harbor classroom. Join us and learn how to help enhance the health, spiritual, and emotional wellness of yourself and others.
Jikiden Reiki is easy to learn and you can be certified in the first level of Reiki energy therapy after a fun and interactive two-day class. Reiki can be used on yourself and others, in a comfortable home setting. This energy treatment is a support for the whole person – mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It works for people of all religions, cultures, and backgrounds, and is in use worldwide as an aid in healing illnesses and for relaxation.
To get more information about our Gig Harbor energy healing sessions, classes, and certifications, please contact us today.
For more information or to schedule a healing session or class, contact us today.